Dorothea & Daniel

Za naše drage Dorotheu i Daniela iz Beča, izradili smo specijalni set pozivnica i save the date karte. Oni žive u Beču, organizovali su venčanje i u Beču i u Izraelu, Tel Avivu. Još u novembru 2017. smo izradili Save the date karte koje su služile da gostima najave datum venčanja, kako bi mogli da isplaniraju dolazak. Dorothea je želela da sve bude od belog kvalitetnog italijanskog reljefnog papira veoma čvrste gramature, sa plavim logom u letterpress tehnici (utisnuta slova). Kasnije smo u istom stilu uradili pozivnice za venčanje u Beču, zatim pozivnice za venčanje u Izraelu, koji su takodje uključivale i pozivnice za Wedding party pre venčanja, prijem gostiju. Na kovertama je takodje plavi logo. Pošto je Dorothea pakovala pozivnice za više dogadjaja u jedan koverat, više pozivnica je obmotano papirnom trakom, na kojoj je takodje njihov plavi logo u blindruku (izdignuta slova). Pozivnice smo štampali 2018. godine. Kasnije smo štampati i zahvalnice. Družili smo 3 godine sa ovim divnim parom.

Dear Milica,
yes it's perfect.
Many thanks again for the beautiful invitations.

The cards have just arrived. Thank you Milica, it really looks beautiful!! 🙂 All the best,
Dorothea K, M.A.I.S., LL.B.

Dear Milica,
thanks again for the save the dates; I received many compliments for them, they look very nice.

As Daniel mentioned, I would like to start a cooperation with you. I have therefore thought about standard products which we can offer to interested people in Austria. I will discribe each product below and I would kindly ask you to give me your prices for them. (Dorothea i Daniel su inače veoma cenjeni mladi advokati)

Dear Milica,
Thanks so much for your wonderful work - our wedding invitations, save the date cards and thank you cards turned out exactly how we wanted them and were beautiful, in high quality paper and letter-press.The communication was easy and quick, and the cards were delivered timely.

Thank you so much Milica! Dorothea